• Troops, researchs, ideologies and many game parameters can now be edited.
• Custom games can now be saved and shared as challenges.
• Blitz mode: faster and simpler gameplay with limited mechanics such as no alliances.
• Battle Royale mode has been revamped and now distributes rewards based on the performance of each player.
• Data updated to 2025 and several balance tweaks.
• Troops, researchs, ideologies and many game parameters can now be edited.
• Custom games can now be saved and shared as challenges.
• Blitz mode: faster and simpler gameplay with limited mechanics such as no alliances.
• Battle Royale mode has been revamped and now distributes rewards based on the performance of each player.
• Data updated to 2025 and several balance tweaks.
• Passive troop production now only uses the liquidity production flow and doesn't drain any saved money.
• Saved money can be used to manually buy troops again, but pauses passive troop production.
• Bonuses have been tweaked to have less impact.
• Prestige research now passively increases International Standing.
• Domination deterrence is now enabled again, and rebellions disabled.
• Added a button to save and load presets in multiple screens.
• Multiple bugs fixed.
- Multiplayer revamp: countries are now grouped into predefined coalitions and work together for victory.
- Coalitions can also be optionally created in custom mode.
- Territorial claims are now visible and can be edited in custom mode.
- Claimed territory can be handed over to a former sovereign country. If already defeated, the country will be restored as a puppet state.
- Country data updated to 2024.
- Multiple gameplay balance tweaks and bug fixes.
- Multiplayer revamp: countries are now grouped into predefined coalitions and work together for victory.
- Coalitions can also be optionally created in custom mode.
- Territorial claims are now visible and can be edited in custom mode.
- Claimed territory can be handed over to a former sovereign country. If already defeated, the country will be restored as a puppet state.
- Country data updated to 2024.
- Multiple gameplay balance tweaks and bug fixes.
- Multiplayer revamp: countries are now grouped into predefined coalitions and work together for victory.
- Coalitions can also be optionally created in custom mode.
- Territorial claims are now visible and can be edited in custom mode.
- Claimed territory can be handed over to a former sovereign country. If already defeated, the country will be restored as a puppet state.
- Country data updated to 2024.
- Multiple gameplay balance tweaks and bug fixes.
-Creation/removal of countries in custom games.
-Multiplatform recent results for multiplayer games, with replays and rankings by player and nationality.
-New interfaces displaying recent battles, budget and bonuses for each country.
-Contested zones are now colored according to the contending country.
-Added settings to improve graphic performance and change border generation style.
-Creation/removal of countries in custom games.
-Multiplatform recent results for multiplayer games, with replays and rankings by player and nationality.
-New interfaces displaying recent battles, budget and bonuses for each country.
-Contested zones are now colored according to the contending country.
-Added settings to improve graphic performance and change border generation style.
-Unlimited map movement.
-Custom multiplayer games can now be made public and discoverable for other players.
-Rivers added to terrain map.
-Capitals can now be moved and territories annexed without military intervention in custom games, either by drawing any arbitrary border or uniting a whole country.
-It is now possible during a custom multiplayer game to change the selected country, custom settings and data, including flags and names.
-Added a button to translate chat messages.
-New interface for reading the list of past news.
-Multiple bugs fixed.
-Ad Pass: watch a rewarded ad to play offline later without a VIP Pass.
- Workshop integration: share and obtain custom scenarios and settings
- Diplomacy editor: model diplomatic relations between different country groups at once
- Terrain map: visualize the impact of terrain at each location
- Treaties between players are now free but require mutual acceptance
- Rebellions are now disabled by default
- Private multiplayer games can now be created for free, but a VIP Pass is still required to load custom scenarios
- Workshop integration: share and obtain custom scenarios and settings
- Diplomacy editor: model diplomatic relations between different country groups at once
- Terrain map: visualize the impact of terrain at each location
- Treaties between players are now free but require mutual acceptance
- Rebellions are now disabled by default
- Private multiplayer games can now be created for free, but a VIP Pass is still required to load custom scenarios
• Countries can now adjust their government type.
• After taking control of a country, there is a possibility that local rebels will rise up to restore their former country.
• Now it is mandatory to share a border or direct access by sea in order to annex any piece of land.
• Divide and conquer: new command to automatically divide your troops along the border and take large land masses more quickly.
• New research projects.
• Flags, names and date can also be changed now in custom games.